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Übersicht AnsprechpartnerBonn – The book "Leading with Heart" by Peter Becker is now also available in English and shows methods how leaders can develop their leadership personality together with their team and find their "inner compass" in order to steer safely through uncertain times. The book has just been published by specialist publisher managerSeminare.
Developing your inner compass means changing yourself in order to fully exploit your own potential and that of your employees in a complex working environment. The book explains the basics and shows practical steps on how a manager can follow this path in cooperation with the team in order to become a "leader with heart". The first step is to see people as a whole and to understand leadership in the context of social systems. Managers learn about methods and tools that guide them on the adventure of holistic personal development and open up access to themselves. With the new view of the employees in their individuality, teams can also optimize their appreciative cooperation. One example of this is the "I am a boat" method presented in the book. This method from depth psychology makes it easier to get to know yourself better and to arrive at a reliable self-assessment. If the method is used in a team, individual characteristics and behavioral patterns can be presented. This provides the team with specific points of view for improving interaction "as a fleet". In addition to the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method, it is not only possible to examine and add to one's own values in a playful manner. Blockages in cooperation are also recognized and resolved, solutions discovered and goals developed.
“Leading with Heart" encourages managers to embark on the lifelong journey of growing into their vocation. As an additional service to the book, digital handouts are available that can be printed out and used as directly applicable work aids. Among other things, readers receive the mind map with the visualized contents of the book and handouts for the participants of the exercises.
Further informations and a reading sample: https://www.managerseminare.de/tb/tb-12204
Download of the press information: https://www.managerseminare.de/presse/pi-12204.doc
Download of the cover: https://www.managerseminare.de/presse/tb-12204.jpg
Peter Becker: Leading with Heart. How you as a versatile leader can successfully lead with dignity, values and trust in a digital working word 4.0. managerSeminare, Bonn 2024, 136 pages. + Digital Handouts, paperback, ISBN 978-3-949611-31-5, 29,90 Euro. Also available as an ebook in ePub and PDF formats.
Der Bonner Weiterbildungsverlag managerSeminare ist ein auf die berufliche Qualifizierung spezialisierter Fachverlag. Sein Inhaltsangebot ist in zwei Sparten unterteilt: Die eine Sparte versorgt Führungskräfte mit aktueller Information zu Leadership und New Work – repräsentiert durch das Weiterbildungsmagazin „managerSeminare" sowie durch "Leadership Medien" mit komprimiertem Praxiswissen für Führungskräfte. Die zweite Sparte richtet sich an Weiterbildungs-Professionals mit methodisch-didaktischen sowie mit Business-Inhalten. Mit der Fachzeitschrift "Training aktuell“, dem breiten Fundus an „Trainingsmedien“ sowie der Tooldatenbank „Trainerkoffer“ werden Trainerinnen, Berater und Coachs mit handlungsrelevanten beruflichen Hilfestellungen versorgt. Darüber hinaus ist der Verlag Betreiber der Weiterbildungsplattform seminarmarkt sowie verschiedener Bildungsveranstaltungen wie etwa dem Branchenkongress „#PTT“, dem Digitalkongress „#VTT“, dem Barcamp „TrainCamp“ sowie dem Visu-Event „#CUBE".
managerSeminare Verlags GmbH
Endenicher Straße 41
D-53115 Bonn
Tel.: +49 (0)228 / 9 77 91-0
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USt. ID: DE 811 522 667
Amtsgericht Bonn HRB 6302
Geschäftsführung: Gerhard May